Although I mainly work as a photographer in Valencia , sometimes I take the camera and go to another city to shoot some pictures.It is usually a small challenge.It involves traveling, changing from the usual environment (“leaving the comfort zone”, some call it) and getting in the mood that everything is going to be a little different.
Inma in Canary Wharf
In fact, and leaving aside that one has to do a previous job of thinking about locations, the process is very similar and I do appreciate a change of scenery.
Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona …
As you can imagine, I always expect working out because it always seems that I will be able to see a bit of the city. Of course, you see some places, but the most usual thing is that you mentally note many of the places to visit them at another time.During the session there is a lot of work to do.But it is not very different.In addition, it find very important to bear in mind that in a portfolio for models, regardless where it is shot, a relevant part of the work, such as the selection and editing of the photos will be carried out in the usual computer.I do not usually travel with the laptop and edit in the place of the session.It is better to see the photos with the best screen, the best size and with the right tools.
There are many cities in Europe where I have not shot any portfolio and I would love it.Edinburgh, Berlin, Rome, Lisbon, Santiago or Paris are among my objectives.So if you want photos there it will be especially easy to convince me.
I am Sergi Albir and, as I said, I usually work as a photographer in Valencia.But wherever you are, if you want to contact me for a photo book, is the easiest and fastest, and my phone with WhatsApp is +34 644459753.
Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona…
Stephanie is a stunt .She is an actor specialized in action scenes who was about to leave Spain and we were able to take advantage of one of her last days to try a few things.I hope you like this session in study with Stephanie.We tried a few things with flashes and reflectors like I’m doing lately.The work method has been evolving, and this time I decided not to use color to modify them.
As you can see, Stephanie is not a conventional model. She is, obviously, a very pretty girl, but we wanted to show her closest side to action, so the poses are different from what I usually show on this page. It is what a professional portrait takes. All in all, and despite the fact that the work was in February, it took me a few weeks to teach it for different technical and agenda reasons. Being a professional photographer with photography studio is not exempt from fighting with the specific problems generated by Google with the change of algorithms that I mentioned in another post.
A little more about her
However, Stephanie already has some published works, like a movie called Captive State , with John Goodman and here you can see her stunt reel, in case someone decides to sign her up for a production.Due to his capacity for work, attitude and resistance, I can attest that she’i a great contribution to a shoot.
On the other hand, if what you are looking for is a professional photographer in Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Leith or Brixton (I think it is clear that I work all over Spain and even further away), you can contact me.My phone, with WhatsApp is +34 644459753 and my email is .Contact me today.
Determining the type of lighting is always a small dilemma. I tend to be a supporter of working outdoors with natural lighting. I often use a reflector to help me, but while lighting results are lovely, most of the time the reflector must be handled by a person. And for a photo shoot in studio I am in favor of using continuous lighting.
That said, continuous lighting has advantages and disadvantages, and flashes, too. So I have to keep doing tests, as in this session with Mariana Uscanga, from which I show you the results. I used several flashes, filters and reflectors. If there is an amateur photographer who would like to know the setting used, I will have to disappoint him. I took many photos, many experiments, I moved everything and there was not one setting, but a bunch of them. And of course, I did not wrote them up. I do not usually release photography tutorials because there is a lot of competition. Producing them usually has a job much greater than what people imagine. So a hug to the photographers who take that effort and I send for them my recognition and respect.
Once the photo session is finished …
After a photo session in studio, one must apply in the editing work. In many of these cases, one of the tasks is in the selection of which are the photos we want, because there are often many similar ones. About the selection it is important to decide, more or less, what we are going to do, so that the work does not become too long. In this case, the idea was to keep the interest in the model totally. Eliminating any detail left over from the background was a priority. Then, the control of the tones is another crucial question. And as some of the photos will end, badly that I regret, on Instagram, it was also appropriate to leave them ready for that application.
Mariana had enough patience not to kill me even though there were many experiments, a few disasters and a significant number of repetitions. But probably you will agree with me that the temper and endurance of this Mexican model had a fair reward.
I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want a photo shoot in studio, outdoors, or you have a company, or an event, or you want me to record a video of a turtle submerging, or whatever you can think of, you can contact me at +34 644459753 (better by WhatsApp) or
The British capital is a great place to try your luck as a model.A lot of competition, but many opportunities.We leave here a small list of agencies in London that you may want to visit.Contact them before going because going without an appointment is almost a guarantee that they will not receive you.
With models like Alex Wek, Cindy Crawford, Karolina Kurkova or Ming Xi, is one of the must-see references.Also they take artists like Julianne Moore, Natalie Dormer, Michael Bublé or Monica Bellucci.
In addition to models, they have a series of contacts with celebrities such as Bar Refaeli, and others that may become famous for family reasons, in a few years: Jacqui Ritchie, Dylan Penn …
In this case, they are more focused on models, although they also have a section of influencers.Especially interesting because they have a specialty section: curvy, hands, feet …
It is not an exhaustive list, but it can probably be useful if you decide to launch the conquest of London, which is more accessible if you travel from Spain.
As for any other agency, you will need a book.You can contact me or with Whatsapp at + 34 644459753.
The fever for Game of Thrones has gone deep throughout the world, so the locations of some of the episodes have seen an increase in tourist visits.So, suddenly, I was surprised to visit Mereen.Or Peniscola, as you like it.The scenes shot there are not amongst the climatic peak of the series, but the truth is that the place itself is frankly impressive.And I had it very close to Valencia, in the province of Castellon.You can read this article in Spanish- Puedes leer este artículo en español.
Peniscola (Peníscola in Catalan, Peñíscola in Spanish) is a town with two well-distinguished parts: on the one hand a well preserved old town, crowned with a medieval castle on its top, and on the other an apartments hecatomb typical of the uncontrolled urban explosion that extends to along the beach.The magnetism of Peniscola, of course, in its old part. The castle of Pope Luna (XIII century, XVIth century fortification) is a jewel that reminded me in certain aspects to that of Edinburgh.But it is likely that it was above all because of the feeling of exhaustion for so much.In spite of that, it’s worth it.
By the way, that the link of the castle with Scotland is not just an idea of mine.There is a plaque commemorating that Benedict XIII, Pope Luna, granted permission for the inauguration of Saint Andrews, the first university in Scotland (and which I was able to attend years ago for an English course).
Not only the people of Game of Thrones were seen around here.Some Spanish series, such as El Ministerio del Tiempo (recommended) or El Chiringuito de Pepe (I can not recommend it, once I saw three minutes and I got bored), or movies like El Cid , Tierra or Blink also experienced their earrings.More info here .
The places where Game of Thrones was filmed are, in general, public, and they had cars, fences (they were about to start local festivals) and / or posters in the middle, so the photos in those locations, those that lacked, in addition, all the elements of decoration, were totally absurd.
For the rest, we fell on the dates when the Festival de la Chancla y la Tapa (something like Flip-flops and tapa festival) were held in town.Although if you completed the circuit of bars you received an impressive prize, I must say that we were not able to complete such a challenge during our short stay.The tapas were good, without a doubt.But between there were many locals to visit and the titanic effort did not have a fair payment (if you had not noticed before the jocular tone about the prize, I reveal it here: a pair of flip flops is what they gave you), we simply could not accomplish the task.
There are no crows, but owls and hawks
The Artillery Park is a garden attached to the castle where you suddenly find some owls and hawks.This is the Refuge of Raptors, which houses and exhibits birds raised in captivity or wounded until they are ready to be released.
Peniscola is, without a doubt, an interesting place to visit.Other sites that I like are London , Barcelona, Lisbon or Bratislava .Is it the “L” essential for me to like a city?Actually, no: Vitoria, Madrid or Santiago also caught my interest.
In case you’re wondering, I took these pictures with the Samsung NX500 that was a bit weird.She was not feeling comfortable almost any 32GB card and she gets very silly.
If you need professional photographs, you can send me a message to or Whatsapp at +34 644459753.
Photos and text of this entire website are the property of Sergi Albir, except for a specific case in point.Reproduction prohibited in any medium except explicit written authorization.
Scordae has a new formation, in addition to that of his children’s orchestra. The idea is that this orchestra will be populated with young people who leave the first, but has begun with a reduced formation that will incorporate emerging values. This time they had the help of the Agrupación MusicalLos Silos . The orchestra is also directed by Eros Quesada and this time they had special collaborators for the work represented. Manuel de Falla’s El Amor Brujo does not deserve less. The cantaora Mely Zafra , the bailaora Silvia Martínez, Ángel López Carreño and Jesús Pérez as stage director completed the casting for the Cádiz-born author most famous piece, with a libretto by María de la O Lejárraga García, although for a long time it has been considered that the author of the script had been Gregorio Martínez Sierra.
Playing at home
The place chosen for the premiere was the Teatro Tívoli de Burjassot , in Valencia. Eros Quesada is native. He told me that he has been working on this show for a year. The fantastic reception of the public, this time, was undoubted. The full auditorium, a couple of encores and a wine of honor after are clear signals that the members of the new Scordae (not so new, if we consider that some are the teachers of the original Scordae) are ready for this new adventure.
Eros Quesada’s El Amor Brujo
This particular work of Falla has different versions. The one chosen for the representation is the original 1915 with staging. It has a different script to the versions that later became popular. There are others, such as the sextet, the small orchestra for concert, and even more, that Falla arranged for different configurations. The work did not have this title originally, but it was called “Gitanería”.
It premiered with little success and harsh criticism at the Teatro Lara in Madrid, a fact that motivated the revision of the work to give it a better reception among the public.
My name is Sergi Albir, I am a professional photographer. If you need any kind of photos, you can contact me with an email to or a Whatsapp at +34644459753.
Some photos ask for a lot of work, a lot of light control and a lot of process later. Others simply don’t.Others work perfectly with two or three details that, moreover, come directly to mind as soon as you see them.
That’s why I uploaded this other photo of Vicctoria.It was not one of those we chose at first, but it has a point of intensity that interested me especially, perhaps by expression.We moistened her hair a bit to get the shine and that helps a lot to give life to the image.
On the other hand, the black background and the contrast are key elements for the final result. Looking out of the picture helps to consider that Vicctoria’s thinking is directed more towards other interests than the camera, the light or the photographic session.However, it is not a totally static pose, and that small movement endows an additional interest to the final result.The original frame was vertical, but I finished with a square photo.
Overall, this was a photograph we did for a session that was in the boudoir line.It was the first time that Vicctoria and I worked together and the result was, in my opinion, very positive.If you want to see more photos of this type, you can have a look at this post or this gallery . If you just want to see my portraits…
If you would like to have photos like this other photo of Vicctoria, you can send me an email to or send me a Whatsapp to +34 644459753. I shoot in Valencia, but also in Madrid, Barcelona or any other site.
The boring details
On the technical side: ISO 2000, shot with a 50mm f / 1.4 Canon, but f / 1.6, fired in RAW and later processed with Adobe Lightroom.The camera used was my EOS 5D Mark III, and we were using continuous illumination.The clipping used as a featured photo is a little turned up because it looked better, but it’s the same photo.
The main problem that a person who wants to devote to being a model is that there is no really valid course. You’ll learn it while you’re working.But while the prettiest part – posing, parading, appearing on magazine covers – is known by everyone, there are thousands of details that are not so obvious.We’ll tell you some.
How to be a model
In general, models should have basic notions of law because they are often signing contracts.And on some occasions, they believe that these contracts bind them absolutely, while in others they fail to ignore the risks. Of course, when things become complicated, you have to contact a lawyer.
Marta Ortiz in Mompó, 2011.
A person dedicated to the world of fashion should be able to distinguish the work of a professional photographer from disasters that makes an amateur or someone who claims to be professional.Not being able to distinguish these details can make you lose many hours of work in sessions that you think will provide you with some valid material and it is not.
Rookie photographers rarely get really professional results. Opportunities for a starting are not to be missed. When you go to an agency, you must show them the best you can give. Not a badly framed photo, worse edited and with a pose and expression that do not favor you. That could prevent you from being a model.But don’t give up: it is solved with good photos.But you know that the first impression happens only once.Do not waste your ammunition.
You may think that you do not know how to educate your taste to learn to distinguish some things from others.You can compare top fashion magazines like Vogue or Elle, for example, with everything else.
Lidia González Regolf in a shooting for Andrea Anton.
Find your place
There are many types of models.Improve your acting (you can look for acting courses, but avoid model courses, which are usually a total rip-off ).Take care of your physical form, your food and try to work well as a team.And of course, take advantage of your specific skills: if you dance, practice a sport or have some peculiarity that can make a positive difference, it is important that you exploit it and take advantage of it.
I’m Sergi Albir.I’m a professional photographer.If you need photos you can contact me at or with a Whatsapp at +34644459753.You can do it right now.
A guest post: Nadia Alba writes about Lisbon and I put the photos.So we share the work.
This summer we decided to visit Portugal.There are so many beautiful things to see there… Although in this post I will focus on its most representative neighborhoods.Some of our friends had already traveled to the Portuguese capital and they all said that we would love it.“Lisbon is very beautiful and there are great places to eat,” was the phrase we heard most.What they forgot to say is the amount of slopes that it has, as well as the curious pavement floor that characterizes its most emblematic areas, but that shatters anyone’s feet.I have to say it is worth suffering because the place is wonderful.Luckily, I checked before I packed my suitcase, and I came to the conclusion that this time my heels had to stay at home.
Portuguese Pavement.
This land, known as “Portuguese pavement”, has its origins in 1755. After an earthquake devastated the city, the Marquis of Pombal, the prime minister of King Jose I of Portugal, “the Reformer”, ordered the reconstruction of the road with the rubble which had left the catastrophe.Today you can enjoy the beautiful mosaics that cobblestones form throughout the old part of the capital.
La Baixa
Lisbon downtown: commercial area. It starts at Praça dos Restauradores ( Restauradores Square) and ends at the impressive Praça do Comércio (Commerce Square).Here we could contemplate the sunset from the 360º viewpoint located at the top of the Arco do Triunfo da Rua Augusta (Triumphal Arch of Augusta Street).
Arco do Triunfo da Rua Augusta.
Already at night, we visited the Elevador de Santa Justa (Santa Justa’s elevator), which also offers excellent views of the whole city.The panorama is fantastic from this neogothic structure of 45 meters high, which was built in iron in 1900 and connects the lower and upper parts of the city.Over the years, it has ceased to be as functional as originally, to become more of a tourist attraction.
Elevador de Santa Justa.
From Santa Justa’s Elevator.
Chiado and Bairro Alto
Chiado is an elegant and bohemian area.Here Portuguese writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries met.Now it’s full of well-known brand stores and coffee shops.Many of them have preserved the aesthetics of the premises of the early twentieth century, both outside and inside.The combination of the new and the traditional is spectacular.
Praça Luís de Camões, one of the stages of the Carnation Revolution, marks the limits of the Chiado and Bairro Alto districts.
Praça Luís de Camões.
The Bairro Alto represents the most alternative Lisbon and is located in the highest part of the city.If you are brave you can walk up its slopes, or if you prefer, you can take the tram or the elevator.Its steep streets full of facades with graffiti are filled with people of all kinds looking for fun at night.
La Alfama
This old quarter of fishermen and cradle of the fado, has a special charm that is perceived when walking through its streets.It is located at the foot of Castelo de São Jorge (Saint George’sCastle)and among itsold houses isCasa dos Bicos(Beaks House),with an original stone façade in the form of a pyramid, which was built in 1523. Currently it is housingthe Jose Saramago’s foundation.
28 tram in Praça Luís de Camões.
In the evening, we took the famous tram 28 from the Doctor António de Sousa de Macedo square, located in the Bairro Alto, to climb to the neighborhood of Alfama.The tram ride is a fun and enjoyable experience in Lisbon.It’s hard to believe that their wooden wagons climb their slopes at the speed they do.Sometimes they pass through streets so narrow that if you take your hand out the window you almost touch the wall of the houses.The fact is that we did not reach the end of the journey.We decided to get off at the Sé deLisboa (Lisboa Cathedral), the capital’s cathedral and its oldest church.It was built in the 12th century and has survived several earthquakes.We went back on foot while watching the typical Portuguese restaurants and bars, which offer the best Fado shows.
Sé de Lisboa.
Located west of Lisbon and in front of the Tagus River, it was one of the neighborhoods we liked the most.The Torrede Belém (Belém Tower) and the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (Jeronimos Monastery) stand out.
Torre de Belém.
Both buildings, dating from the sixteenth century and Manueline Gothic style, are declared World Heritage.Seeing them, one wonders why this has not come out in Game of Thrones.Undoubtedly precious.The cloister of the monastery is possibly the most beautiful of all.
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
Back to the center of the city, we visited the National Museum of the Carriages (National Carriage Museum), which seemed as spectacular as the rest of what we had seen in Belém.This museum contains one of the most important European collections of royal carriages from the 16th to the 19th centuries and another one of fire engines.Nothing that can be seen there, as well as the 18th century palace that houses them, left us indifferent.
Museo dos Coches.Museo dos Coches.Museo dos Coches.
Parque das Naçoes
The translation is simple: Park of Nations.It is the most modern part of Lisbon, where the 1998 Expo was held. It stands out from other neighborhoods for its contemporary architecture.We arrived in the subway and got off at Estaçao do Oriente (Estación de Oriente), the work of Santiago Calatrava.We are so familiar with its style that when we saw it, it gave us the feeling of being in València.
Estaçao do Oriente.Estaçao do Oriente.
The park has the pavilions and venues inherited from the Expo, among which is the Torre Vasco daGama (Vasco de Gama), which with its 145 meters is the tallest building in Lisbon.We would have loved to upload it but it is not accessible.A pity;sure the view from above is breathtaking.It is located in the middle of the Tajo Estuary, where the longest bridge in Europe is 12.3 kilometers away.We could have climbed the cable car but it did not reach so high and we did not enjoy ourselves so much.
Torre Vasco da Gama.
That afternoon was the most relaxed we had because, although we did not stop, we got rid of slopes and cobblestones for a few hours.We walked around the area, which does not get rid of runners fever;We visited the mall and had coffee.We are still surprised at how cheap it is there (€ 0.70).
A runner with Vasco do Gama bridge on the background.
Lisbon deserves all the attention
In short, a very, very recommendable trip.The flight from València is less than two hours (752 km) and pass quickly.The food is good and not very expensive.The people are very friendly and there is not much problem with the language.Besides that Portuguese is not difficult to understand, in many places they also speak Spanish.We plan to return and learn more about our neighboring country.
Photography and translation (if you seee some mistake, it’s been me) by Sergi Albir (Archerphoto).If you need content for your website or your company, be it photos, texts, or video, you can contact us at or +34644459753.
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