In the photographic studio with Patricia

In the photographic studio with Patricia, by Archerphoto, fashion photographer in Valencia, Alicante, Madrid and Barcelona

July can be a terrible month. The heat complicates everything. But with a little air conditioning, some patience and Elena’s good work on the brushes and costume styling we get very positive results. A session in the photo studio with Patricia, a very young model and, as you will see, beautiful, but who behaved with all the necessary professionalism.

You can read this article in Spanish: En el estudio fotográfico con Patricia.

In the photographic studio with Patricia, by Archerphoto, fashion photographer in Tarragona, Castellon, Albacete, Zaragozaand Valencia

Actually, this session has few details to tell. Everything was cordial and we were able to survive thanks to the air conditioning, because that day they had to do in Valencia about 42ºC or something, and although in the photographic studio I usually use LED light, between the computer, the three people, the sun giving the building and the lights, we could have all boiled up: makeup artist, model and photographer.

In the photographic studio with Patricia, by Archerphoto, fashion photographer in Valencia, Alicante, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia

As you can see, there were two different makeups during the photo shoot. Hence we were in the studio for a while, although I, for a long time, was just sitting and talking with them.

Close up of Patricia, by Archerphoto, commercial photographer in Spain

In the photographic studio with Patricia: good results and good time

Making photo shoots this quiet is appreciated. These months I have been doing more outside, in the sun, and although one tries to manage the forces, one does not get tired just like shooting in the studio. Even when I have to move lights, it is more comfortable.

In the photographic studio with Patricia, image by Archerphoto, commercial photography in Spain

Obviously, one of the purposes of the session in the photo studio with Patricia was to show Elena’s makeup well. Hence the selection of plans, but I must admit that I always end up processing something that seems particularly interesting to me. In this case, in addition, in black and white.

Patricia in a yellow dress, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

Whether you need a photo book because you are a model, as if you are a makeup artist and you need to show your work, I can help you. Also if you act, dance or are an athlete. My mail is and the Whatsapp and Telegram are at +34 644459753. If you want to follow me on Instagram, @archerphoto is my main account. If you want to follow Elena, the makeup artist, @, and Patricia, the model, @patrii_salvador.

Patricia in the studio, picture by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain

Walks of a photographer in Ruzafa, Valencia

Photographers in Valencia have an interesting city to attack. It’s not Chicago, it’s not Rome, it’s not Berlin, but it has a number of interesting places. Actually, enough. I usually walk very often by Ruzafa (Russafa in Valencian) and around the Ensanche. Although there are many people who do not distinguish them, they are quite different. Ruzafa was a not integrated village in the city until 1877, and that had its own structure of streets of Arab origin. Nowadays it’s adapted to urban planning, but it happened over the years. Its blocks are not regular and it is not conceived, like the Ensanche, as an expansion of the city on previously there were orchards. A photographer in Ruzafa can have a great time.

You can read this article in Spanish.

The expansions, copied from the planning that takes place in Chicago, arrive in Valencia through the Barcelona reference, but on a smaller scale. Goerlich, the municipal architect, will be responsible for the city’s expansion, which, once the walls were demolished, was totally unavoidable.

Walks of a photographer in Ruzafa, Valencia

A part of the Ensanche within Ruzafa

The checkerboard structure of the expansion, which had in the initial plans, with large interior spaces with gardens and a city really conceived to be enjoyed, was divided with a diagonal avenue. The internal spaces to each block are now blocked with the construction of buildings that break the original space and very often the aforementioned interior spaces are  parkings.  Permits were even granted to build more heights than originally thought. All in all, the Ensanche neighborhood (or Eixample) is one of the most interesting in architectural terms.

Ruzafa, on the other hand, is a more charismatic neighborhood and, after a few years in which it was experiencing a certain degradation, it was time for its gentrification. Now it suffers a certain saturation as a leisure area. Its value, which was already on the rise, is propelled because the biggest shortage that it had, which was the total absence of green areas, is compensated nowadays by the commissioning of the Central Park , a project that recovers contaminated lands occupied industrially by RENFE much longer than necessary. Good news, of course, for a photographer for Ruzafa.

Ruzafa lives with a certain schizophrenia its evolution. On the one hand new shops and leisure establishments are installed, while trying to resist some traditional shops. In the middle of everything, some other companies pass. A constant flow.

commercial transition in Ruzafa


Leisure areas and Ruzafa

The problem of leisure areas is common in Valencia: the good weather and the habits of the people make them often stay on the street, next to the entertainment venues, during the night, generating a quantity of noise and discomfort that has changed by different areas of the city, which are being classified as Acoustically Saturated Areas.

In any case, the administrative division of the City Council contributes to the confusion between Ruzafa and Ensanche. The district is named Ensanche, but includes Ruzafa, Pla del Remei and Gran Vía. Ruzafa, in turn, includes a part of the Ensanche (of what would be the checkerboard structure) but not the other. The historical reason is that, in 1811, the town of Ruzafa included those territories. When the urbanization operation was carried out, it was more practical to attend to criteria of efficiency than not to think about who each land belonged to.

I’m Sergi Albir, I’m a professional photographer. If you want to contact me for photo sessions you can send me a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 or an email to

Some more images taken by this photographer in Ruzafa.

Sornells Street, by Archerphoto, photographer in Ruzafa, Valencia, Spain


Ruzafa Market, by Archerphoto, photographer in Ruzafa, Valencia


A bike, by Archerphoto, photographer in Ruzafa

Another post about Valencia.

Photo session in Valencia with Kimly and Helena

With a certain frequency I do a post after a session to show the photos. Anyone who reads me will understand that it is almost essential to show the results of my efforts as a professional photographer, so I could surely avoid long tirades. In this case I did a photo session in Valencia with Kimly ( ) and Helena ( ).

Kimly acted as a model on this occasion, is Dutch and was splendid in front of the camera, although she really has more experience on the other side.Helen is a very young professional makeup artist with a very positive attitude that worked perfectly and adapted to the session. It was the first time I worked with them and the experience, both in the studio and on the outside, was very positive.

Kimly herself took up the issue of styling. She commented with me on the line we were going to follow and her choices were very interesting.There are some studio and other outdoor photos.

In any case, I will update this entry as I process more photos. It’s something I’m doing in most of this web, improving posts with additional images or even reprocessing some if over time I’m not too convinced.

I hope this post about the photo session in Valencia with Kimly and Helena has seemed good and I leave here the link about photo books for individuals .

If you need a book of photos, professional portraits or any other question, you can send me an email to or send a Whatsapp to +34 644459753. Or call me.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016, professional photographer Spain

(Puedes leer este post en español:

It is possible that taking many photos and writing sometimes seems like much more work than is worth doing. But it is also true that sometimes you build things without realizing it. I had wanted to take pictures of rhythmic gymnastics for some time. But I do not have too many contacts in the sector, so I left it as a wish that had been left pending. And one day there is the opportunity to take pictures of Elena López Benaches. Perhaps the name, does not ring a bell. But she is an Olympic medalist: with the Spanish team she achieved silver medal in Rio de Janeiro (the Equipaso, that’s how they are called). Of course, my doubts were between zero and none. We warned Nadia Alba to help us with makeup, hair and a little assistance in costumes, and she came with her brother, Salva, a classic dancer, who agreed to collaborate as well. He helped us in this night session with Elena López Benaches.

Elena López Benaches, athlete, jumping with elegance in a black and white picture in Valencia by Sergi Albir photographer Valencia

Interrogating Elena López Benaches

Curiosity moves me, so I asked her many things during the session, even though she has a very extensive and well-documented Wikipedia page .Elena has had an ankle injury from which she is recovering during this year of rest from the competition. She was on vacation in Valencia – she lives and trains regularly in Madrid, but she’s from Turís, a Valencian town), so we took photos here, in the capital of Turia. But I asked her about life in Turís, because in her hometown she even has a street named after her and even the municipal gym is dedicated to her. “The truth”, she confesses, without an apex of arrogance “is that in the town they behave very well with me”. It’s funny because almost never get such remarkable recognitions in life. But it seems that “not being a prophet in your land” is not something that affects Elena.

Elena López Benaches, Olympic gymnast, by Archerphoto, sport photos Valencia

“I’m still not 100%”, she explains when we are preparing some plans. But the elasticity, the precision and the capacity is incredible. Normally, when doing jumps and pirouettes, there is a factor of luck for the pose to go well. It is not the case. It does not fail a single time, but when she sees herself in the photo, she becomes extremely self-critical. “In that pic I do not have the foot completely OK”. And it’s not that position it’s wrong, it’s that it’s not perfectly stretched. In addition, she excuses himself for not being able to hold for long in positions that she performs perfectly and that are almost impossible to perform. The flexibility is amazing, but his naturalness in the pose is even better.

Night photos session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 by Archerphoto, photographer Valencia

Rhythmic gymnastics in a deserted Valencia 

Our idea of ​​the night session with Elena López Benaches was to make different looks for an almost deserted city on a mid-August night. The idea was not to mount large sets with flashes, but to capture, especially the movement, and the contrast with some places in the city, to look for the urban texture, instead of the coldness of a studio. With the LEDs combined with the streetlights of the city we were slightly low in light, but we did get the desired atmosphere. For this session, Nadia Alba took care of the hair and makeup. “Normally we have to take care of ourselves,”Elena explains to me, when I ask her about the sponsors and the support they have.However, he confesses to me, the atmosphere with the team is very good. “We leave all the negative issues out,” she says, very sure.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 photos

Another aspect that we comment on is how such a visual sport does not have a greater, and better media difussion. They had a TV ad,  with Freixenet (an important cava company in Spain), that was seen and well valued. There is even a very interesting little documentary ( ), but rhythmic gymnastics do not have a big pull. “There was a lot of glitter on the set,” she recalls, “and it was very uncomfortable, because it got everywhere.” Sometimes in pursuit of the image professionals press a little more than necessary.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 valencia photographer

I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you need photos you can send me a message to or a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 today. I make photos, videos and contents both for the Internet and for other media.

Photo session in studio

Determining the type of lighting is always a small dilemma. I tend to be a supporter of working outdoors with natural lighting. I often use a reflector to help me, but while lighting results are lovely, most of the time the reflector must be handled by a person. And for a photo shoot in studio I am in favor of using continuous lighting.

That said, continuous lighting has advantages and disadvantages, and flashes, too. So I have to keep doing tests, as in this session with Mariana Uscanga, from which I show you the results. I used several flashes, filters and reflectors. If there is an amateur photographer who would like to know the setting used, I will have to disappoint him. I took many photos, many experiments, I moved everything and there was not one setting, but a bunch of them. And of course, I did not wrote them up. I do not usually release photography tutorials because there is a lot of competition. Producing them usually has a job much greater than what people imagine. So a hug to the photographers who take that effort and  I send for them my recognition and respect.


photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain

Once the photo session is finished …

After a photo session in studio, one must apply in the editing work. In many of these cases, one of the tasks is in the selection of which are the photos we want, because there are often many similar ones. About the selection it is important to decide, more or less, what we are going to do, so that the work does not become too long. In this case, the idea was to keep the interest in the model totally. Eliminating any detail left over from the background was a priority. Then, the control of the tones is another crucial question. And as some of the photos will end, badly that I regret, on Instagram, it was also appropriate to leave them ready for that application.

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain, fitness photographer

Mariana had enough patience not to kill me even though there were many experiments, a few disasters and a significant number of repetitions. But probably you will agree with me that the temper and endurance of this Mexican model had a fair reward.

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain, commercial photographer

I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want a photo shoot in studio, outdoors, or you have a company, or an event, or you want me to record a video of a turtle submerging, or whatever you can think of, you can contact me at +34 644459753 (better by WhatsApp) or

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain

Visiting Meereen. Or Peniscola, as you like it.

Peniscola,professional photographer,Castellon,Valencia
The fever for Game of Thrones has gone deep throughout the world, so the locations of some of the episodes have seen an increase in tourist visits. So, suddenly, I was surprised to visit Mereen. Or Peniscola, as you like it. The scenes shot there are not amongst the climatic peak of the series, but the truth is that the place itself is frankly impressive. And I had it very close to Valencia, in the province of Castellon.You can read this article in Spanish- Puedes leer este artículo en español.

Peñíscola Peniscola Meereen Archerphoto professional photographer Game of Thrones

Peniscola (Peníscola in Catalan, Peñíscola in Spanish) is a town with two well-distinguished parts: on the one hand a well preserved old town, crowned with a medieval castle on its top, and on the other an apartments hecatomb typical of the uncontrolled urban explosion that extends to along the beach. The magnetism of Peniscola, of course, in its old part. The castle of Pope Luna (XIII century, XVIth century fortification) is a jewel that reminded me in certain aspects to that of Edinburgh. But it is likely that it was above all because of the feeling of exhaustion for so much. In spite of that, it’s worth it.

By the way, that the link of the castle with Scotland is not just an idea of ​​mine. There is a plaque commemorating that Benedict XIII, Pope Luna, granted permission for the inauguration of Saint Andrews, the first university in Scotland (and which I was able to attend years ago for an English course).

Peniscola,Mereen,Game of Thrones,photographer in Spain

Not only the people of Game of Thrones were seen around here. Some Spanish series, such as El Ministerio del Tiempo (recommended) or El Chiringuito de Pepe (I can not recommend it, once I saw three minutes and I got bored), or movies like El Cid , Tierra or Blink also experienced their earrings. More info here .

The places where Game of Thrones was filmed are, in general, public, and they had cars, fences (they were about to start local festivals) and / or posters in the middle, so the photos in those locations, those that lacked, in addition, all the elements of decoration, were totally absurd.

Peniscola,Mereen,Archerphoto,professional photographer

For the rest, we fell on the dates when the Festival de la Chancla y la Tapa (something like Flip-flops and tapa festival) were held in town. Although if you completed the circuit of bars you received an impressive prize, I must say that we were not able to complete such a challenge during our short stay. The tapas were good, without a doubt. But between there were many locals to visit and the titanic effort did not have a fair payment (if you had not noticed before the jocular tone about the prize, I reveal it here: a pair of flip flops is what they gave you), we simply could not accomplish the task.

There are no crows, but owls and hawks

The Artillery Park is a garden attached to the castle where you suddenly find some owls and hawks. This is the Refuge of Raptors, which houses and exhibits birds raised in captivity or wounded until they are ready to be released.

visiting Meereen. O Peniscola Archerphoto Peniscola "Game of Thrones" "The Ministry of Time"

Peniscola is, without a doubt, an interesting place to visit. Other sites that I like are London , Barcelona, Lisbon or Bratislava . Is it the “L” essential for me to like a city? Actually, no: Vitoria, Madrid or Santiago also caught my interest.

In case you’re wondering, I took these pictures with the Samsung NX500 that was a bit weird. She was not feeling comfortable almost any 32GB card and she gets very silly.

If you need professional photographs, you can send me a message to or Whatsapp at +34 644459753.

Archerphoto visiting Meereen. O Peñíscola

Photos and text of this entire website are the property of Sergi Albir, except for a specific case in point. Reproduction prohibited in any medium except explicit written authorization.

Scordae’s El Amor Brujo

Mely Zafra,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain

Scordae has a new formation, in addition to that of his children’s orchestra. The idea is that this orchestra will be populated with young people who leave the first, but has begun with a reduced formation that will incorporate emerging values. This time they had the help of the Agrupación Musical Los Silos . The orchestra is also directed by Eros Quesada and this time they had special collaborators for the work represented. Manuel de Falla’s El Amor Brujo does not deserve less. The cantaora Mely Zafra , the bailaora Silvia Martínez, Ángel López Carreño and Jesús Pérez as stage director completed the casting for  the Cádiz-born author most famous piece, with a libretto by María de la O Lejárraga García, although for a long time it has been considered that the author of the script had been Gregorio Martínez Sierra.

Mely Zafra,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain


El amor brujo,fotografo Valencia,Archerphoto,Scordae,Mely Zafra,Silvia Martínez,Ángel López Carreño,Eros Quesada ,dance photographer Spain

Playing at home

The place chosen for the premiere was the Teatro Tívoli de Burjassot , in Valencia. Eros Quesada is native.  He told me that he has been working on this show for a year. The fantastic reception of the public, this time, was undoubted. The full auditorium, a couple of encores and a wine of honor after are clear signals that the members of the new Scordae (not so new, if we consider that some are the teachers of the original Scordae) are ready for this new adventure.

Silvia Martínez,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain

Eros Quesada’s El Amor Brujo

This particular work of Falla has different versions. The one chosen for the representation is the original 1915 with staging. It has a different script to the versions that later became popular. There are others, such as the sextet, the small orchestra for concert, and even more, that Falla arranged for different configurations. The work did not have this title originally, but it was called “Gitanería”.

It premiered with little success and harsh criticism at the Teatro Lara in Madrid, a fact that motivated the revision of the work to give it a better reception among the public.

Silvia Martínez,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain,dance photographer Spain,Valencia Eros Quesada,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain Silvia Martínez,Mely Zafra,Eros Quesada,Scordae,El amor brujo,Archerphoto,professional photographer Spain

El mismo post en español, pero con fotos diferentes – The same post, in Spanish (but different pictures):

For more information about Scordae:

Scordae website (in Spanish):

Performance of Scordae at the City Hall of Valencia (also in Spanish)

Scordae’s Facebook:

For more information about Manuel de Falla:

My name is Sergi Albir, I am a professional photographer. If you need any kind of photos, you can contact me with an email to or a Whatsapp at +34644459753.

Copyright 2017 Sergi Albir


Be a model

be a model,become a model,Archerphoto,professional photographer,portfolio for models

The main problem that a person who wants to devote to being a model is that there is no really valid course. You’ll learn it while you’re working. But while the prettiest part – posing, parading, appearing on magazine covers – is known by everyone, there are thousands of details that are not so obvious. We’ll tell you some.

How to be a model

In general, models should have basic notions of law because they are often signing contracts. And on some occasions, they believe that these contracts bind them absolutely, while in others they fail to ignore the risks. Of course, when things become complicated, you have to contact a lawyer.

Marta Ortiz,be a model,become a model,Archerphoto,Sergi Albir,fashion
Marta Ortiz in Mompó, 2011.

A person dedicated to the world of fashion should be able to distinguish the work of a professional photographer from disasters that makes an amateur or someone who claims to be professional. Not being able to distinguish these details can make you lose many hours of work in sessions that you think will provide you with some valid material and it is not.

Rookie photographers rarely get really professional results. Opportunities for a starting are not to be missed. When you go to an agency, you must show them the best you can give. Not a badly framed photo, worse edited and with a pose and expression that do not favor you. That could prevent you from being a model. But don’t give up: it is solved with good photos. But you know that the first impression happens only once. Do not waste your ammunition.

You may think that you do not know how to educate your taste to learn to distinguish some things from others. You can compare top fashion magazines like Vogue or Elle, for example, with everything else.

Lidia González Regolf, professional model ny Archerphoto,Sergi Albir,be a model
Lidia González Regolf in a shooting for Andrea Anton.

Find your place

There are many types of models. Improve your acting (you can look for acting courses, but avoid model courses, which are usually a total rip-off ). Take care of your physical form, your food and try to work well as a team. And of course, take advantage of your specific skills: if you dance, practice a sport or have some peculiarity that can make a positive difference, it is important that you exploit it and take advantage of it.

fotógrafo profesional puedes leer este artículo en español

I’m Sergi Albir. I’m a professional photographer. If you need photos you can contact me at or with a Whatsapp at +34644459753. You can do it right now. 

Dreamhack Spain 2017: results and photos

Dreamhack Spain 2017: results and photos

It’s always worth going through big video games competitions. And more if you have them close to home, as was the case of Dreamhack Spain 2017 (it happened in Valencia again). This time I was not working for the Valencia CF eSports, which had just dissolved its League of Legends team. However the trophy of this competition was for @Elite_Valencia , another local team sponsored by a local specialized in electronic sports that achieved a historical triumph.

However, Evangelion was representing the football club. who had bad luck at the start and after two consecutive defeats, despite a good late streak could not pass the round. If I’m not mistaken, he was the only representative of Valencia CF.  , also a Spaniard, would end up doing the victory against the British  . The joy of this triumph was also contagious amongst fans.

Other competitions and results in Dreamhack

In CSGO NiPGaming won against the also Swedes @RedReserve and in Starcraft2 @ElazerSC2 beat Snute. TRUE and SpeCial were stuck in the semi-finals, which surprised lots of spectators.

In the competition of Smite we saw  winning 3-2 to  in the last match of Summer Finals.

And without more delay, some photos of the competition: there was oriental food, cosplay, contests and a huge LAN area, but it looked much less than the competitions, of course. I may reinforce this post with a video, but I can’t promise.

Dreamhack Valencia 2017: resultados y fotos - Dreamhack Spain 2017: results and photos
Finding the Hearthstone pairings sometimes required additional hardware.

All rights reserved by Sergi Albir. If you want to use any of the photos, contact me at And if you need photos for your team, your profile or your company, I’d also be happy to talk to you.

This post in Spanish:

Dreamhack Spain 2017: results and photos

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