The capital of Turia recovered its fashion festival after the COVID 19 crisis: CLEC Fashion Festival 2021 València was organized again by Miquel Suay at the head of Dimova and had a series of values enshrined as figureheads of the festival. They were not the only ones on catwalk, and we will make a later post with the platforms dedicated to the new values. On October 30th and 31st, 2021, at L’Hemisfèric (City of and Arts and Sciences), we were able to enjoy catwalks and some complementary events such as talks or cooking shows in which designers met Michelin-starred chefs.
Despite the fact that I have many fashion events behind my back, Nadia Alba , a journalist specializing in fashion and image, always has better criteria for talking about clothes, so it is she who has taken care of condensing the shows into a few sentences and I I have only put the photos.
Miquel Suay

The director of Clec Fashion Festival was in charge of premiering the catwalk in this second edition. After an inaugural performance, Suay presented a capsule collection paying tribute to Afghan women and their situation. In this fashion show he also launched his new MQL brand. Under the motto “Live the change”, the designer has created the first posthumanist brand, whose objective is to raise awareness, communicate and provide solutions through fashion.

Throughout the parade we were able to see mainly t-shirts, sweatshirts and mono-colored outfits in red, yellow, blue, purple and looks combined with black and white. The common denominator in all of them was the stamping of the face of Nadia Anjuman, an Afghan poet and journalist murdered by her husband, as well as encouraging messages for a common ethical and cultural code.

With this collection, Miquel Suay shows his most humane side, with the launch of a crowdfunding , with which he will allocate the sales of the collection to the printing of the book of poems “Flor Ahumada” by Anjuman.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Tristán and Cósima Ramírez de la Prada, son and daughter of the designer, were on this occasion in charge of presenting us with their spring / summer 2022 proposal. A collection that vindicates the Made in Spain tag.

The good vibes in its purest form on the catwalk that are distinctive of the brand accompanied the fun designs to which the designer has us accustomed.

Simple cut dresses, fitted and flared skirts, loose fitting tops and trousers in a relaxed style were featured in this show. There were also full print looks in two pieces sets, very flattering and growing trend. L’Hemisfèric was seized with the explosion of prints full color that characterizes Agatha Ruiz de la Prada.

Dolores Cortes

The most international queen of Spanish swimwear could not miss this second edition of CLEC Fashion Festival 2021 València. The impeccable career of Dolores Cortés, always present in her attractive and stylish proposals, was once again evident in “Philosophy”, her spring / summer 2022 collection.

On this occasion, the designer has taken as a reference the Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris in 1925, from which the inspiration that led to Art Deco was born .

Among his designs we could see swimsuits, trikinis and bikinis with high-waisted briefs, dresses and beach jumpsuits with geometric motifs, prints and metallic fabrics typical of this avant-garde style of the twentieth century. Wooden accessories in the same style added the perfect finishing touch to this elegant collection.


Recently awarded the Honorary Award to the Fashion Designer 2020 of the National Awards of the Fashion Industry, granted by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Custo Dalmau showed in Valencia his spring / summer 2022 proposal.

“I trust me” is the name of this collection aimed at women who are sure of themselves. It is made up of garments that combine a fusion of cotton, knit and many sequins materials with shiny technical materials.

The Barcelona designer invites you to convey that feminine security, the essence of his proposal, through oversized trousers combined with tiny tops and minidresses with amazing necklines and strategic openings. His designs also include the use of hybrid sweatshirts, which are perfectly integrated into any look and for any occasion.

Jaime Piquer

He returned to the catwalk after a long time without parading, although his professional activity has never stopped in these years, especially dedicated to teaching and tailoring.

His collection “Eva” pays tribute to the person who most influenced him when choosing to study fashion. It is conceived from an ecological thought, for which the Valencian designer has created recycled pieces from his workshop fabrics.

On the catwalk, both unisex proposals and very feminine designs made in semi-transparent vaporous fabrics with which Piquer has played overlay. Regarding the chromatic range, we could see a wide variety of tones among their garments, all of them united by the bright pink color as a nexus of ideas and colors of the designs. Without a doubt, Piquer gave us a very attractive proposal visually with colors that invite us to live.


He wanted to see Visori in action again. He amazed us in the first edition of CLEC and we knew that he would not disappoint us.

Javier Soria is 100% committed to recycled fashion. His designs are handmade, creating new pieces from parts of other clothes. That is why it does not make two completely the same garments. Visori’s unisex proposals make clear his commitment to individuality and provide a plus of exclusivity that invades his workshop in Valencia, transcends the street and, of course, the catwalk.

In this second edition of CLEC, the firm did not leave anyone indifferent either. We were able to see surprising creations based on recycled materials that make us reflect on the importance of creating a sustainable environment through fashion. The denim was the protagonist of most of their designs, all of them imbued with Visori so recognizable style.

I hope this post about the CLEC Fashion Festival 2021 València has been interesting and illustrative. The CLEC had a previous edition, in 2019 and it was also very interesting. Here is the link in case you want to see some images of CLEC 2019 .
I am Sergi Albir, I am a professional photographer and if you need images of this event or of any other, you can contact me on WhatsApp: +34 644459753. I am also on Signal and Telegram, and my email is .