Photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia

Photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia

I want to show a bit of the photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia. There are days when everything goes well. And days that have not even started, go wrong and everything works out. Get up at four in the morning with one eye crying and think that you are going to get another stye the size of a duck egg (this happens to me from time to time and it does not seem to be serious, but it does show and drama), fix it and That later an interesting session like the one I did with Leticia Serrano comes out is the kind that makes me think that almost everything can be fixed.

Photo session in Valencia with Leticia by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

As usual, Nadia Alba took care of the makeup and that is always a safety net. Sometimes I work without a professional makeup artist, but in general, that usually means fewer suitable photos. That is why I always try to have that factor, because in the end, what counts are the results.

In this case we combine a part of online fitness photography and the ther part was in a different point of view, more like boudoir . The light scheme was different, and in the fitness ones, obviously, the idea was to highlight the details of Leticia’s musculature, which is spectacular and the result of long and intense work: she does not compete in any category but remains in one category. similar line throughout the year. Best of all, despite not having much experience on camera, he quickly adapted to the issues necessary for the shoot. Returning to the light, it is not only the position, but the type of light used, which usually offers different results. Using tungsten is energy inefficient (these lights use a lot) but for some jobs it is almost essential.

Leticia understood the working method and that allowed us to get a good amount of material, which later had to be chosen. Actually, this is one of the parts where a session sometimes runs aground: if the choice is not appropriate, everything else can be hidden. Literally. But a relatively small part of the session is always processed.

So far the photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia. If you want to follow her, she is on Instagram as @sick0fhappiness and offers personal trainings in Albacete, but she has a limit in terms of the number of people she can take simultaneously, so hurry up to contact her. If what you need are photos, I am Sergi Albir and I am a professional photographer. My email is and my WhatsApp and Telegram are +34 644459753. On Instagram, @archerphoto and @archerphoto2 .

One thing more: you can read this post in Spanish: Sesión de fotos en València con Leticia.

Photo session in Valencia with Leticia by Sergi Albir, professional photographer

The Art of Paloma. Interview and photos.

The Art of Paloma by Archerphoto, photographer in Valencia

*You can read this article in Spanish in my other web. Entrevista y fotos a The Art of Paloma.

The growing weight of Instagram is undeniable. Navigating the culture of the image, one finds many people who in one way or another dedicate their efforts to this network. Not everyone has the same talent, ability or resilience to achieve results, so there are especially interesting cases. One of the accounts that came to my attention was Paloma García Cuanda, The Art of Paloma, so it seemed like a good idea to contact her for a while.

My idea was basically to talk and take a picture, but we turned the interview into a photo shoot. I asked her a few things and then I had to supplement that questions by phone, because, well, the photographs ate the interview.

The Art of Paloma by Archerphoto, photographer Valencia

The origins of The Art of Paloma

The Art of Paloma is not an Instagram account that appears suddenly because a 15-year-old girl discovers that she can get attention with the photos of the ice cream she eats. Paloma was experimenting quite a long time ago, in an old application called Fotolog and that was a kind of Instagram precursor. The concept was similar, but since mobile technology was not as advanced as it is today, the web was weakened and forgotten. “I started there,” says Paloma. «It was a platform where you uploaded a photo a day and there also began bloggers who later became known as Lovely Pepa or Gala González. It’s what was fashionable then

Paloma forgot a little Fotolog, and years later, she made a first attempt at Blogger where she began to release more elaborate content. «I read in a magazine that they talked about a blogger who I remembered from Fotolog. And she talked about her blog. I got in, saw it, and thought about riding one. I created a very fond one and after a while, they called me from a communication agency and offered me a professional blog and a five-year contract.

The Art of Paloma by Archerphoto, professional photographer Valencia

Sincerity above all

“Working in consulting” explains Paloma, who studied Business Administration and Law, “I have little time, because you have more responsibilities, and it is difficult to make posts, so the blog is a bit uncared. It’s also because with Instagram, which is what really generates the most engagement, for many brands it is enough. I like to write on the blog and it is another tool. I do not want to abandon it at all and if one day, I can,  under the rhythm of work I would like to retake it, but the last post I published it a few months ago. I feel sorry because I have photos, lots of information about restaurants, hotels, there is a lot of material … ».

One of the amazing things about Paloma is that, despite being a person with a profile dedicated to the image, it does not convey at any time the sense of superficiality that one might expect. If you have to recognize that something does not come, it does. A very transparent, almost crystalline self-criticism ability.

The Art of Paloma by Archerphoto, photographer in Valencia, Alicante and Madrid

Paloma currently has just over 172,000 followers, a more than remarkable figure. It has an important interaction with its followers, a reasonable publication rate and a very careful quality in all its contents, both in the selection of styles and in the aspect of photography.

«The Art of Paloma has more than 172,000 followers»

“It is very complicated” also explains “that a person manages an entire brand. Above all, it’s complicated to differentiate yourself from the rest and find that particular aspect that distinguishes you from others. It is very easy to copy others, to do what everyone does (although you are also inspired by what others do), but to find that part of you that likes and triumphs ». The work carried out is often difficult to detect, but the impression of authenticity and consistency that it transmits requires, paradoxically, a lot of work.

The Art of Paloma by Archerphoto, photographer Valencia, Alicante, Altea, Xàbia

Caring for the audience

One of the curiosities that Paloma tells us about her Instagram is that, despite being fashionable, the percentage of male followers is significantly higher than the female. «It probably has to do with photos.That’s why I try to keep my balance by putting more fashion or travel photos, than bikini photos for example ».

“The main thing when you start a blog,” he explains, “is to think of a target, a target audience and see what qualities you have to reach those people. In my case, I offer lifestyle, travel, fashion, I try to ensure that the photographs are taken care of – with professional photographers – and of quality … ». When we comment on this, he confesses that he is working to improve engagement and answering all comments and messages. This extreme, that of caring for followers, is particularly laborious, but essential for maintaining a good fan base.They are people and it is important that they feel valued. “You have to take care of the audience, answer them and see them as someone close,”she says.

«I care very much about my photographs and I work with professional photographers»

We had a lot of this conversation more informally while we were taking the photos. It is true that, in personal treatment, she is much closer than one would expect, and it is that gap between the photo and its real character that wants to close.

The future outlook for Paloma, in the short term, continues on Instagram. It is clear that the increasingly clear trend is video. «More and more real things, more spontaneous, than what is now on Instagram, where things are more artificial».

My name is Sergi Albir. I am a professional photographer in Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona and more places. If you need me, whistle. Well, and if you see that that does not work, you better send me an email to or a Whatsapp, or Telegram, at +34 644459753. If you want more information about photos on Instagram, I also have posts on this website.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016, professional photographer Spain

(Puedes leer este post en español:

It is possible that taking many photos and writing sometimes seems like much more work than is worth doing. But it is also true that sometimes you build things without realizing it. I had wanted to take pictures of rhythmic gymnastics for some time. But I do not have too many contacts in the sector, so I left it as a wish that had been left pending. And one day there is the opportunity to take pictures of Elena López Benaches. Perhaps the name, does not ring a bell. But she is an Olympic medalist: with the Spanish team she achieved silver medal in Rio de Janeiro (the Equipaso, that’s how they are called). Of course, my doubts were between zero and none. We warned Nadia Alba to help us with makeup, hair and a little assistance in costumes, and she came with her brother, Salva, a classic dancer, who agreed to collaborate as well. He helped us in this night session with Elena López Benaches.

Elena López Benaches, athlete, jumping with elegance in a black and white picture in Valencia by Sergi Albir photographer Valencia

Interrogating Elena López Benaches

Curiosity moves me, so I asked her many things during the session, even though she has a very extensive and well-documented Wikipedia page .Elena has had an ankle injury from which she is recovering during this year of rest from the competition. She was on vacation in Valencia – she lives and trains regularly in Madrid, but she’s from Turís, a Valencian town), so we took photos here, in the capital of Turia. But I asked her about life in Turís, because in her hometown she even has a street named after her and even the municipal gym is dedicated to her. “The truth”, she confesses, without an apex of arrogance “is that in the town they behave very well with me”. It’s funny because almost never get such remarkable recognitions in life. But it seems that “not being a prophet in your land” is not something that affects Elena.

Elena López Benaches, Olympic gymnast, by Archerphoto, sport photos Valencia

“I’m still not 100%”, she explains when we are preparing some plans. But the elasticity, the precision and the capacity is incredible. Normally, when doing jumps and pirouettes, there is a factor of luck for the pose to go well. It is not the case. It does not fail a single time, but when she sees herself in the photo, she becomes extremely self-critical. “In that pic I do not have the foot completely OK”. And it’s not that position it’s wrong, it’s that it’s not perfectly stretched. In addition, she excuses himself for not being able to hold for long in positions that she performs perfectly and that are almost impossible to perform. The flexibility is amazing, but his naturalness in the pose is even better.

Night photos session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 by Archerphoto, photographer Valencia

Rhythmic gymnastics in a deserted Valencia 

Our idea of ​​the night session with Elena López Benaches was to make different looks for an almost deserted city on a mid-August night. The idea was not to mount large sets with flashes, but to capture, especially the movement, and the contrast with some places in the city, to look for the urban texture, instead of the coldness of a studio. With the LEDs combined with the streetlights of the city we were slightly low in light, but we did get the desired atmosphere. For this session, Nadia Alba took care of the hair and makeup. “Normally we have to take care of ourselves,”Elena explains to me, when I ask her about the sponsors and the support they have.However, he confesses to me, the atmosphere with the team is very good. “We leave all the negative issues out,” she says, very sure.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 photos

Another aspect that we comment on is how such a visual sport does not have a greater, and better media difussion. They had a TV ad,  with Freixenet (an important cava company in Spain), that was seen and well valued. There is even a very interesting little documentary ( ), but rhythmic gymnastics do not have a big pull. “There was a lot of glitter on the set,” she recalls, “and it was very uncomfortable, because it got everywhere.” Sometimes in pursuit of the image professionals press a little more than necessary.

Night session with Elena López Benaches, Olympic silver in Rio 2016 valencia photographer

I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you need photos you can send me a message to or a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 today. I make photos, videos and contents both for the Internet and for other media.

Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona…

Alexandra in Madrid - Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona... - professional photographer

Although I mainly work as a photographer in Valencia , sometimes I take the camera and go to another city to shoot some pictures. It is usually a small challenge. It involves traveling, changing from the usual environment (“leaving the comfort zone”, some call it) and getting in the mood that everything is going to be a little different.

Photo books in London, Madrid, Barcelona ...
Inma in Canary Wharf

In fact, and leaving aside that one has to do a previous job of thinking about locations, the process is very similar and I do appreciate a change of scenery.

Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona …

As you can imagine,  I always expect  working out because it always seems that I will be able to see a bit of the city. Of course, you see some places, but the most usual thing is that you mentally note many of the places to visit them at another time. During the session there is a lot of work to do. But it is not very different. In addition, it find very important to bear in mind that in a portfolio for models, regardless where it is shot, a relevant part of the work, such as the selection and editing of the photos will be carried out in the usual computer. I do not usually travel with the laptop and edit in the place of the session. It is better to see the photos with the best screen, the best size and with the right tools.

There are many cities in Europe where I have not shot any portfolio and I would love it. Edinburgh, Berlin, Rome, Lisbon, Santiago or Paris are among my objectives. So if you want photos there it will be especially easy to convince me.

I am Sergi Albir and, as I said, I usually work as a photographer in Valencia. But wherever you are, if you want to contact me for a photo book, is the easiest and fastest, and my phone with WhatsApp is +34 644459753.

Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona…

Read about Portfolio for models in London, Madrid, Barcelona… in Spanish in my website, Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional en Valencia.

London Model Agencies

London,Thames, Canary Wharf

The British capital is a great place to try your luck as a model. A lot of competition, but many opportunities. We leave here a small list of agencies in London that you may want to visit. Contact them before going because going without an appointment is almost a guarantee that they will not receive you.

London Model Agencies


With models like Alex Wek, Cindy Crawford, Karolina Kurkova or Ming Xi, is one of the must-see references. Also they take artists like Julianne Moore, Natalie Dormer, Michael Bublé or Monica Bellucci.


They do not have as many famous names as Storm, but many of the faces on the catwalks are represented by them. Take a look at their website to decide.

Agencias de modelos en Londres, por Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional, London Model Agencies

Premier Model Management

In addition to models, they have a series of contacts with celebrities such as Bar Refaeli, and others that may become famous for family reasons, in a few years: Jacqui Ritchie, Dylan Penn …

Next Models

Another agency that has actors, influencers, musicians and models.Isabelle Adjani, Lana del Rey, Anja Rubik, Noomi Rapace …

BMA Models

In this case, they are more focused on models, although they also have a section of influencers. Especially interesting because they have a specialty section: curvy, hands, feet …

It is not an exhaustive list, but it can probably be useful if you decide to launch the conquest of London, which is more accessible if you travel from Spain.

As for any other agency, you will need a book. You can contact me or with Whatsapp at + 34 644459753.

Lee este artículo sobre agencias de modelos en Londres en español, en mi web de fotógrafo profesional.

Similar topic: Top Model Agencies in the world

Another photo of Vicctoria

professional photographer Spain,commercial photographer Spain,Valencia,Vicctoria

Some photos ask for a lot of work, a lot of light control and a lot of process later. Others simply don’t. Others work perfectly with two or three details that, moreover, come directly to mind as soon as you see them.

That’s why I uploaded this other photo of Vicctoria. It was not one of those we chose at first, but it has a point of intensity that interested me especially, perhaps by expression. We moistened her hair a bit to get the shine and that helps a lot to give life to the image.

On the other hand, the black background and the contrast are key elements for the final result.  Looking out of the picture helps to consider that Vicctoria’s thinking is directed more towards other interests than the camera, the light or the photographic session.However, it is not a totally static pose, and that small movement endows an additional interest to the final result. The original frame was vertical, but I finished with a square photo.

another photo of Vicctoria,otra foto de Vicctoria,fotografo,Valencia,boudoir,professional photographer Valencia,Spain

Overall, this was a photograph we did for a session that was in the boudoir line. It was the first time that Vicctoria and I worked together and the result was, in my opinion, very positive. If you want to see more photos of this type, you can have a look at this post or this gallery . If you just want to see my portraits…

If you would like to have photos like this other photo of Vicctoria, you can send me an email to or send me a Whatsapp to +34 644459753. I shoot in Valencia, but also in Madrid, Barcelona or any other site.

The boring details

On the technical side: ISO 2000, shot with a 50mm f / 1.4 Canon, but f / 1.6, fired in RAW and later processed with Adobe Lightroom. The camera used was my EOS 5D Mark III, and we were using continuous illumination. The clipping used as a featured photo is a little turned up because it looked better, but it’s the same photo.

Be a model

be a model,become a model,Archerphoto,professional photographer,portfolio for models

The main problem that a person who wants to devote to being a model is that there is no really valid course. You’ll learn it while you’re working. But while the prettiest part – posing, parading, appearing on magazine covers – is known by everyone, there are thousands of details that are not so obvious. We’ll tell you some.

How to be a model

In general, models should have basic notions of law because they are often signing contracts. And on some occasions, they believe that these contracts bind them absolutely, while in others they fail to ignore the risks. Of course, when things become complicated, you have to contact a lawyer.

Marta Ortiz,be a model,become a model,Archerphoto,Sergi Albir,fashion
Marta Ortiz in Mompó, 2011.

A person dedicated to the world of fashion should be able to distinguish the work of a professional photographer from disasters that makes an amateur or someone who claims to be professional. Not being able to distinguish these details can make you lose many hours of work in sessions that you think will provide you with some valid material and it is not.

Rookie photographers rarely get really professional results. Opportunities for a starting are not to be missed. When you go to an agency, you must show them the best you can give. Not a badly framed photo, worse edited and with a pose and expression that do not favor you. That could prevent you from being a model. But don’t give up: it is solved with good photos. But you know that the first impression happens only once. Do not waste your ammunition.

You may think that you do not know how to educate your taste to learn to distinguish some things from others. You can compare top fashion magazines like Vogue or Elle, for example, with everything else.

Lidia González Regolf, professional model ny Archerphoto,Sergi Albir,be a model
Lidia González Regolf in a shooting for Andrea Anton.

Find your place

There are many types of models. Improve your acting (you can look for acting courses, but avoid model courses, which are usually a total rip-off ). Take care of your physical form, your food and try to work well as a team. And of course, take advantage of your specific skills: if you dance, practice a sport or have some peculiarity that can make a positive difference, it is important that you exploit it and take advantage of it.

fotógrafo profesional puedes leer este artículo en español

I’m Sergi Albir. I’m a professional photographer. If you need photos you can contact me at or with a Whatsapp at +34644459753. You can do it right now. 

Lindy Hop, St.John’s Eve and Valencia

Lindy Hop Valencia

San Juan (St.John’s Eve) is an impossible night in Valencia. If you try to get to the beach you can stay dull in a horrendous traffic jam. If you arrive at your destination you will see hordes of young and not so young people in a huge botellón (youngsters drinking outside around their cars) on the beach. There are also people who just try to walk or put their feet in the water, but in general I do not like them. It reminds me too at New Year’s Eve the year, but with the beach.

Lindy Hop, St.John’s Eve and Valencia

So, I decided to get close to taking pictures of people dancing to Lindy Hop (a dance that started in Harlem, New York, in the late 1920s) in Valencia. At first it was planned to go to their place in Ruzafa, but my contacts in the dancing mob told me that they planned a street coup: they would go to the Turia bed to dance, taking advantage of cops would be distracted watching the beaches and / or night street parties that sprinkled the city. I think this is one of the worst nights to be a cop.

Lindy Hop, St.John's Eve and Valencia

Despite the infamous heat during the day the night was fantastic. And for some reason the mosquitoes had no interest in Lindy Hop. Just armed with an iPad and a not-so-big speaker, without any pretensions, there were around fifty people who were going out dancing in a strictly natural way. Zero organization, zero problems. Most are known and the atmosphere was cordial. They barely talked to me, except for my contact, but neither was making any effort, just photos. I am usually a commercial photographer but this was more a documentary job.

Lindy Hop, St.John's Eve and Valencia

So,  I spent this night from the 22nd to the 23rd of June shooting a few photos. I will only show a small, clear selection of everything I did. More than 600 photos with only sodium vapor lamps as lighting. As an extra difficulty, late at night, I do not know exactly the reason, all but one of the lights went out. So I got a look with harder shadows, but if during all night I was shooting in high ISOs, in the end, even more.

If you have liked my photos and you are impelled impetus to contact me to hire me, you can do it at or send me a message on +34 644459753. If you just want to leave a comment, I’ll thank you. It is strictly forbidden to share these photos on Instagram or Pinterest.

BTW, if you have liked this pictures, in my Spanish web I have almost the same post but, eh, different gallery,

2017 photo sessions

2017 photo sessions Victoria Archerphoto professional photographer spain Valencia Madrid

One of the purposes of a photographer’s website is to display the photos he or she does. If not, our pictures have much less public exposure. So from time to time I release some post in which I show some samples of the photo sessions I’ve been doing lately. They are not all I do, of course. Frequently clients want photos to be exclusively used for their promotional use. It is reasonable that some lawyers whom I’ve worked want to keep their images exclusively on their websites. I hope you like them.

2017 photo sessions

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol
Marisol in València.
Sesiones de fotos en Valencia, Sergi Albir, Archerphoto.
Lucía before San Juan’s church.
Sesiones de fotos . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Sofía.
Sofía at Gym Rafel X-Force.

In other cases, especially aspiring models, seeing themselves on a photographer’s website can come in handy: it encourages them and occasionally gets them some work.

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Gema.
Gema in black and white.

Photo sessions for everyone

As many people ask me, I will say that I am not only working for models or companies: if you want to have your personal portraits, whatever your profession, appearance or reason is, I will be happy to work for you. If you need, we will incorporate make-up and hairdressing. We can even look for costumes for your session, whether in studio or outdoors.

photo sessions 2017 professional photographer Valencia Spain
Sara in her photo session in 2017.
sesiones de fotos en 2017 . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol, sesiones de fotos en Valencia
Marisol, sports look.

I usually do photo sessions in València, Madrid, Castellón, Alicante and Barcelona, ​​but it is not uncommon for me to go anywhere else. If you are, I do not know, in Zaragoza, Tarragona, Vitoria or Seville, to say a few places, you can also call me to make a book or to photograph companies.

Contacting is simple: or a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 and we can talk. If you want to see my photos more regularly, the most practical thing is that you come here often (you can subscribe to the RSS) or pass by my Flickr, I usually upload photos every day: http: // flickr .com / photos / archerphoto .

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