Bikini Class usually arouses more interest than any other in bodybuilding and fitness championships. It is actually the entry class for women, while men enter into Men’s Fashion or Physique. Or something like that because often classes are named a little different, not to mention that each organizer named as you want. Lately I’ve been to some championships, both AEFF (NAC) and IFBB, which are currently the two most powerful federations, at least in Spain.
In the higher classes, men and women they have more muscle, so there’s always discussions in the public on the tastes of each other on the amount of muscle and how much it motivates each each physical.
I have chosen this competition -the Hector Defez Open (IFBB), held on September 12th 2015 specifically for two reasons: because the level was much higher than that of a standard regional championship and because the winner got a photographic portfolio by me as a prize.
Bikini Class

Finally, a picture out of competition. As soon as fhe awards were presented I was flying to backstage to take a picture of Claudia, the brand new champion, with the check. It is quite logical that just as the championship ends, athletes are wishing some relax and often even go away from the premises, and I did not want to miss the opportunity.

I am Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want to contact me, is the easiest way. You can also try the phone, +34 644459753, with Whatsapp and Telegram.