Merry Whatever – Feliz Loquesea.
Este año ha sido un poco especialito con todo el tema de la dana y la verdad es que, aunque he de estar contento por el apoyo recibido y por haber salido de la situación físicamente indemne y con ánimos renovados para seguir trabajando, la reconstrucción es lenta y la actitud de la Administración resulta, como poco, descorazonadora. Con todo, el balance es positivo. Y aunque no lo fuese, os desearía Feliz Loquesea y Próspero 2025 igualmente 😉
This year has been a bit special with the whole dana issue and the truth is that, although I have to be happy for the support received and for having come out of the situation physically unscathed and with renewed spirits to continue working, the reconstruction is slow and the attitude of the Administration is, at the very least, disheartening. All in all, the balance is positive. And even if it were not, I would wish you a Happy Whatever and a Prosperous 2025 anyway 😉