Categoría: Spanish Team

  • German Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    German Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    German Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023 Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023. Alina Oganesyan, Anja Kosan, Daniella Kromm, Emilia Wickert, Germany, Hannah Vester, 3 ribbons and 2 balls. Follow my Instagram accounts: @archerphoto and @archerphoto2. If you need pictures, contact me today. Sigue mis cuentas de Instagram: @archerphoto y @archerphoto2. Si necesitas fotos, mejor contacta conmigo hoy mismo. IMG_2326.

    #GermanTeam #ribbons #balls #RhytmicGymnastics #WorldChampionshipsValencia2023 #40thFIG #RhyWorlds2023 #comunitatvalenciana #gimnasiaritmica

    German Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Fotografos Valencia.

    Pic by Sergi Albir, photographer in Rome, Riga, Resen, Raiding, Ròtova and even more places. Contact me today if you need any kind of pictures.

    Pic: August 25th 2023.

    All rights reserved Sergi Albir 2023. Don’t use this pics without written permission.

  • Ukrainian Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Ukrainian Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Ukrainian Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023. @azzaliza, @bayeva_diana, @darinaduda, @mariya_vysochanska, @sasha_yushchak12, , 2023 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, Alina Melnik, Alina Melnyk @alinamelnyk81, Daria Duda, Diana Baeva, Elizaveta Azza, Maria Vysochanskaya, Oleksandra Yushchak @sasha_yushchak12, 3 ribbons and 2 balls. Follow my Instagram accounts: @archerphoto and @archerphoto2. If you need pictures, contact me today. Sigue mis cuentas de Instagram: @archerphoto y @archerphoto2. Si necesitas fotos, mejor contacta conmigo hoy mismo. IMG_0180.

    #UkrainianTeam #ribbons #balls #RhytmicGymnastics #WorldChampionshipsValencia2023 #40thFIG #RhyWorlds2023 #comunitatvalenciana #gimnasiaritmica

    Ukrainian Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Ukrainian Team, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Fotografos Valencia.

    Pic by Sergi Albir, photographer in Rome, Riga, Resen, Raiding, Ròtova and even more places. Contact me today if you need any kind of pictures.

    Pic: August 25th 2023.

    All rights reserved Sergi Albir 2023. Don’t use this pics without written permission.

  • Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023 . @anaarnau__, @inesbergua, @mireiamartiinez, @patriperezz__, @salmasolaun. Ana Arnau Camarena, Inés Bergua Navales, Mireia Martínez, Patricia Pérez Fos, Salma Solaun. Follow my Instagram accounts: @archerphoto and @archerphoto2. If you need pictures, contact me today. Sigue mis cuentas de Instagram: @archerphoto y @archerphoto2. Si necesitas fotos, mejor contacta conmigo hoy mismo. IMG_2989.

    #SpanishTeam #ribbons #balls #RhytmicGymnastics #WorldChampionshipsValencia2023 #40thFIG #RhyWorlds2023 #comunitatvalenciana #gimnasiaritmica

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Fotografos Valencia.

    Pic by Sergi Albir, photographer in Rome, Riga, Resen, Raiding, Ròtova and even more places. Contact me today if you need any kind of pictures.

    Pic: August 25th 2023.

    All rights reserved Sergi Albir 2023. Don’t use this pics without written permission.

  • Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023 . @anaarnau__, @inesbergua, @mireiamartiinez, @patriperezz__, @salmasolaun. Ana Arnau Camarena, Inés Bergua Navales, Mireia Martínez, Patricia Pérez Fos, Salma Solaun. Follow my Instagram accounts: @archerphoto and @archerphoto2. If you need pictures, contact me today. Sigue mis cuentas de Instagram: @archerphoto y @archerphoto2. Si necesitas fotos, mejor contacta conmigo hoy mismo. IMG_0520.

    #SpanishTeam #ribbons #balls #RhytmicGymnastics #WorldChampionshipsValencia2023 #40thFIG #RhyWorlds2023 #comunitatvalenciana #gimnasiaritmica

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023. Pic by Archerphoto, pro photographer

    Spanish Team (2), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Fotografos Valencia.

    Pic by Sergi Albir, photographer in Brighton, Bristol, Beniparrell, Belgrade, Belfast, Barcelona, Bratislava and even more places. Contact me today if you need any kind of pictures.

    All rights reserved Sergi Albir 2023. Don’t use this pics without written permission.

  • Spanish Team (1), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (1), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Spanish Team (1), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023 . @anaarnau__, @inesbergua, @mireiamartiinez, @patriperezz__, @salmasolaun. Ana Arnau Camarena, Inés Bergua Navales, Mireia Martínez, Patricia Pérez Fos, Salma Solaun. Follow my Instagram accounts: @archerphoto and @archerphoto2. If you need pictures, contact me today. Sigue mis cuentas de Instagram: @archerphoto y @archerphoto2. Si necesitas fotos, mejor contacta conmigo hoy mismo. IMG_2898.

    #SpanishTeam #ribbons #balls #RhytmicGymnastics #WorldChampionshipsValencia2023 #40thFIG #RhyWorlds2023 #comunitatvalenciana #gimnasiaritmica

    Spanish Team (1), Bronze Medal All Around, 40th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Valencia 2023

    Fotografos Valencia.

    Pic by Sergi Albir, photographer in Rome, Riga, Resen, Raiding and even more places. Contact me today if you need any kind of pictures.

    All rights reserved Sergi Albir 2023. Don’t use this pics without written permission.